What to Expect in the First 90 Days with Your OBM


If you’re new to the idea of working with a Certified OBM and don’t know what it’ll look and feel like, let me help you understand what it should look and feel like once the contract is signed.

Below is a Success Guide For the First 90 Days with Your OBM

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An OBM is your success partner as you work towards your next level of growth, getting you out of the day-to-day running of your business and working with the team to turn your goals into reality. 

Your OBM is here to help you build a strong foundation for your business, including:

  1. Establishing a habit of quarterly planning - so that you and the team are always clear on goals and objectives. Translation - no more flying by the seat of your pants!

  2. Working with the team - to ensure that the right people are doing the right things, and everyone is empowered to do their best work

  3. Streamlining your operations - documenting processes and creating systems that allow for work to be done efficiently and effectively

  4. Driving progress - it’s the role of the OBM to ensure that progress is being made towards established goals

  5. Clearing YOUR plate - so that you can focus your efforts on CEO level activities and growing the business (instead of running it!)

So what can you expect in the first 90 days of working together? 

Here are some tips to to ensure you build a successful working relationship with your OBM:

  1. It is your role as CEO to cast the vision for the business and clearly communicate what you are working toward. You need to know where you want to go so that your OBM can create a plan for the next 90-days and steer the ship in the right direction.

  2. It takes time for the OBM to get to know your business! Your OBM won’t need to be trained in how to manage a business, but they do need to learn about your business and how you do things. Create space to properly onboard your OBM and to allow for them to get to know all that they need to know.

  3. Know that hiring an OBM will NOT magically solve all of your business challenges in the first 90 days. You will need to agree on top priorities (max 3!) and allow your OBM to work through those priorities at a reasonable pace (probably slower than you’d like, remember, they are still learning your business!).

  4. Expectations are key. Be prepared to communicate what you are expecting (what success will look & feel like for you) so that the end result you desire is easily understood. The more clear you can be upfront, the more likely you will get what you are looking for.

  5. Communication is also key. Expect to give and receive ‘excess’ communication in the first 90 days, until you understand each other’s styles and have built trust.

  6. Be willing to let go. OBMs are leaders, not followers. Expect your OBM to jump right in, take the lead on projects, and get things off your plate. This is what they are trained to do, this is what the business needs them to do.

  7. Know that you don’t actually want your OBM to think or be exactly like you. Their way may look different from how you have or would do things, that’s OK (part of letting go). Each of you is going to bring unique approaches to the table, and the business needs both.

  8. Expect some bumps along the way. Things may not feel amazing in week 1 while you learn to work with each other. When things don’t feel perfectly smooth, communication and collaboration will be the key to getting on track. Don’t throw in the towel too soon!

When we come together with clarity, purpose and patience in the first 90 days all things are possible.


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